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Search Results for "Eva Löcherbach: Conditional propagation of chaos for generalized Hawkes processes having..."
Eva Löcherbach: Conditional propagation of chaos for generalized Hawkes processes having...
Eva Löcherbach - On metastability for systems of interacting neurons
Xavier Erny - Conditional propagation of chaos for mean field system of neurons
An interview with: Christophe Pouzat and Eva Löcherbach
Jiacheng Zhang -- Superposition and mimicking theorems for conditional McKean-Vlasov equations
Stochastic reconstruction of the spatio-temporal Hawkes Process (Pierfrancesco Alaimo Di Loro)
Duke Math545 - Stochastic Calculus - McKean-Vlasov SDEs
Olivier Faugeras: Two examples of thermodynamic limits in neuroscience
A system of interacting neurons with short term plasticity
Peter Carr Brooklyn Quant Experience (BQE) Lecture Series: Nizar Touzi
Jean Jacod : Systematic jump risk
"Anderson Hamiltonian and random matrices" par Laure Dumaz